Sunday, November 20, 2011

जैविक कीटनाशक (Organic insecticides / pesticides) बनाने का तरीका

Organic insecticides / pesticides: (composition for 1 acre of land)

1. 20 ltrs of Urine of cow, buffalos, bull.

2. 2.5 -3 kgs paste made from Neem leaves of Neem fruits. (fruits are preferable)

3. 2.5 – 3 kgs paste of Dhatura leaves

4. 2.5 kg Akra leaves paste.

5. 2.5 kg paste of Bel leaves.

6. 2.5 kg paste of Sitaphal leaves.

7. 2.5 kg of paste of Aru leaves.

8. 500 gm of Tobacco powder.

9. Boil the mixture.

10. Spray it on the crops by diluting with 20 times of water. (say if you use 1 kg, then dilute it with 20 ltrs of water)

Listen all audio of Bharat  Swabhiman ( topic wise )

Do not Use following Pesticides for your field, it is poison and harmful for health.

  1. DDT
  2. Endosulfan
  3. Aldrin
  4. Dieldrin
  5. Heptachlor
  6. Chlordane
  7. Lindane
  8. Fenitrothion
  9. Fenthion
  10. Profenofos
  11. Phorate
  12. Malathion
  13. Monocrotofos
  14. Dimethoate.
  15. Chlorpyrifos
  16. Diazinon
  17. Quinalphos
  18. Triazophos
  19. Ethion
  20. Acephate
  21. Fenvalerate
  22. Permethrin
  23. Cypermethrin
  24. Deltamethrin
  25. Carbaryl
  26. Carbofuran
  27. Aldicab
  28. Methomyl
  29. 2, 4-D
  30. Butachlor
  31. Paraquat
  32. Simazine &Atrazine
  33. Glyphosate
  34. Isoproturon
  35. Trifluralin
  36. Mancozeb
  37. Captan
  38. Captafol
  39. Carbendazim

 I request you to spread it to every farmer so that they can improve their life at zero cost .

If you are a farmer you should avoid using dangerous pesticides and chemical manure because …..
1)      Because it is costly ,
2)      Makes the soil harder by killing all the friendly worms in it . Harder soil  causes the rain water   run away from fields and ground water level goes down  every year.
3)      Chemical manure and pesticide are dangerous for  health of Men and animal  because our food gets poisonous

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